Tonight, we studied the life of Joseph from the book of Genesis.
Genesis 37:1-36 Joseph was a product of a blended family which saw him be one of 12 kids by 4 wives. He was the most loved despite not being the oldest. After having a vision of God's plan for his life he tells his brothers which causes more jealousy. The brothers then sell him into slavery.
Genesis 39:1-23 Despite being a slave and far from his family and home Joseph still believes and follows God. When put in a situation to sin he stands strong with God. His conviction to not sin lands him in jail.
Genesis chapters 40-44 talks about how God is still with Joseph while still in jail and helps use his life for good. From the time he is sold into slavery till he sees his brothers again, Joseph had to wait 22 years! So, when God is working in your life remember it is in his time, not yours. The outlook Joseph had on all the “storms” in his life we all should have,
Gen. 50:20 “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”
Matthew 7:24-27 This is the parable of “the two builders.”
The part that makes me think is how Jesus talks about the foundations, he says the storms will come! If you have a foundation of God as your Lord and Savior you can face all storms! Joseph is a great example of facing storms with the help of God! Salvation is not a way to avoid storms but a way to survive the storms!
Written by Eric
Write to Abbey Suazo