This week we learned about praising God. The inspiration behind this message came from two songs, the first is “That’s the thing about praise by Benjamin William Hastings” and “Undignified by Matt Redmond.” The lines in the first song go like this “It don’t always fix your problems But it’ll tell you how small they are That’s the thing about praise It won’t move the mountain But it’s good for the heart That’s the thing about praise You’ll never know what it’s gonna change But it’ll always leave a mark That’s the thing about praise” This song led to God laying another song and Bible story on my heart.
The second song goes like this “Verse I will dance, I will sing, to be mad for my King. Nothing, Lord, is hindering the passion in my soul. Chorus And I’ll become even more undignified than this. Some would say it’s foolishness, but I’ll become even more undignified than this” The Bible story this song is from is found in 2 Samuel 6:9-23 In the passage we read of King David bringing the Ark of The Covenant to Jerusalem. As the Ark is coming into the city we read of David stripping off all his King clothing and wearing only a white thin linen robe. Then in verse 14, it says “he dances with all his might.” I wonder what it looks like to dance with all one's might! As David danced, leaping and shouting, his first wife looked down on him and disapproved of his actions.
In verses 21&22 we see her confront David about it and he responds by saying he was dancing before God not her and that he could be even more undignified than this! So the lesson from this is if you are worshiping and praising God it is between you and him so other people's thoughts are not what's important. If you are praising and you raise your hands, stand, dance, or shout hallelujah it is ok as long as it's to God!
Other scriptures we look at for praise are Acts 16:16-40 Paul and Silas praising and singing in the jail after having been arrested and flogged.
Daniel 3:13-28 One of my favorite Bible stories the three young men refuse to worship the king,- and tell him this to his face. They say, our God will save us but even if he doesn’t then, we still praise him. So, the King throws them into the fire and God saves the three. But as great as this is that they were saved it gets lots why they were saved, because they praised only God, not man-made gods!
Psalm 150:1-6 This psalm talks about praising God with all things! The verses about clanging cymbals makes me think, “ it does not have to be pretty or sound perfect to be praise, if it is to God, it is perfect”
Job 27:1-12 After all Job had lots and as bad as things looked for Job he talks about still praising God! Even when your situation seems bad, God is still good. You can change your whole thinking, attitude, and perspective when you set your focus on who God is and not your problems. In hard times hold on to the truth that is found in Romans 8:28 And we KNOW that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and who have been called according to His purpose.
Written by Eric Miller